Agency services: Patent, utility model, trademark, design application

This is an overview of service fees for patent applications, utility model registration applications, design registration applications, and trademark registration applications (as of March 21, 2022).

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email, phone or inquiry form.

PCT National Phase Entry into Japan

Item Attorney’s Fee(JPY)  Official Fee(JPY)
Filing a Japanese Patent Application 85,000JPY 14,000JPY
Claiming Convention priority

(1) In case of use of DAS(Digital Access Service) : Not charged

(2) In case of submitting priority document to JPO by the attorney :10,000JPY/a priority

Translation For English to Japanese:
25JPY per one word(English)

For other language, please feel free to contact to us.
Preparation of drawings for Japanese Patent Application (if necessary) 3,000~10,000JPY/drawing
(depending on difficulty)
Examination request 10,000JPY

(1) When ISR is prepared by an agency other than the JPO

124,000JPY+ (3,600JPY * number of claims) 

(2) When ISR is prepared by JPO

83,000JPY+ (2,400JPY * number of claims) 

Responding to an Office Action (each time)

Charged at an hourly rate (20,000JPY/hour)

It depends on the difficulty but in most case fee is between 60,000JPY and 120,000JPY.

Registration fees for 3 years at the time of allowance 20,000JPY

(1) In case of payment of registration fee on or after April 1, 2022

(4,300JPY+ (300JPY * number of claims)) * 3

(2) In case of payment of registration fee on or before March 31, 2022

(2,100JPY+ (200JPY * number of claims)) * 3


*Patent fees for the fourth and subsequent years shall be paid separately for each year.


Patent Application with claiming Conventional priority(Paris Route)

Item Attorney’s Fee(JPY) Official Fee(JPY)
Filing a Japanese Patent Application 85,000JPY 14,000JPY
Claiming Convention priority

(1) In case of use of DAS(Digital Access Service) : Not charged

(2) In case of submitting priority document to JPO by the attorney :10,000JPY/a priority

Translation For English to Japanese:
25JPY per one word(English)

For other language, please feel free to contact to us.
Preparation of drawings for Japanese Patent Application (if necessary) 3,000JPY~10,000JPY/drawing
(depending on difficulty)
Examination request 10,000JPY 138,000JPY+ (4,000JPY * number of claims)
Responding to an Office Action (each time)

Charged at an hourly rate (20,000JPY/hour)

It depends on the difficulty but in most case fee is between 60,000JPY and 120,000JPY.

Registration fees for 3 years at the time of allowance 20,000JPY

(1) In case of payment of registration fee on or after April 1, 2022

(4,300JPY+ (300JPY * number of claims)) * 3

(2) In case of payment of registration fee on or before March 31, 2022

(2,100JPY+ (200JPY * number of claims)) * 3


*Patent fees for the fourth and subsequent years shall be paid separately for each year.

Application for registration of utility model with claiming Conventional priority(Paris Route)

Item Attorney’s Fee(JPY) Official Fee(JPY)
Filing a Japanese Utility model Application 85,000JPY 14,000JPY
Claiming Convention priority

(1) In case of use of DAS(Digital Access Service) : Not charged

(2) In case of submitting priority document to JPO by the attorney :10,000JPY/a priority

Translation For English to Japanese:
25JPY per one word(English)

For other language, please feel free to contact to us.
Preparation of drawings for Application for registration of utility model (if necessary) 3,000~10,000/drawing
(depending on difficulty)
Registration fees for 3 years at the time of allowance 20,000JPY

(2,100JPY+ (100JPY * number of claims)) * 3
(Registration fee for 3 years)


*Patent fees for the fourth and subsequent years shall be paid separately for each year.

Trademark Registration Application

Item Our service fee (JPY)  Official Fee(JPY)
Filing a Japanese Trademark Registration Application 40,000JPY+ (20,000JPY* number of additional classes) 12,000JPY+ (8,600JPY* number of addtional classes)
Claiming Convention priority

10,000JPY/a priority

Responding to an Office Action (each time)

Charged at an hourly rate (20,000JPY/hour)

It depends on the difficulty but in most case fee is between 60,000JPY and 120,000JPY.

Registration fees at the time of allowance 20,000JPY


(1) In case of payment of registration fee on or after April 1, 2022

32,900JPY* Number of classes (10-years registration fee)
17,200JPY* Number of classes (5-years registration fee)


(2) In case of payment of registration fee on or before March 31, 2022

28,200JPY* Number of classes (10-years registration fee)
16,400JPY* Number of classes (5-years registration fee)

Design Registration Application

Item Attorney’s Fee(JPY) Official Fee(JPY)
Filing a Japanese Design Registration Application 85,000JPY~

This fee depends on the cost for preparation of drawings.
Claiming Convention priority

(1) In case of use of DAS(Digital Access Service) : Not charged

(2) In case of submitting priority document to JPO by the attorney :10,000JPY/a priority

Responding to an Office Action (each time)

Charged at an hourly rate (20,000JPY/hour)

It depends on the difficulty but in most case fee is between 60,000JPY and 120,000JPY.

Registration fees at the time of allowance 20,000JPY at least 8,500JPY
(Registration fee for at least first year)